The analysis shows you how to optimally manage your charging infrastructure.
Single-Family Home, Company Car Drivers, Multi-Family Homes, HOAs, Real Estate
Offices, Industry, Crafts, Car Dealerships, Hospitality, Fleets, Clubs
Hotels, Guesthouses, Inns, Airbnb, Vacation Homes, Holiday Apartments, Public Facilities
We manage your charging stations using our software as a service provider.
Single-Family Home, Company Car Drivers, Multi-Family Homes, HOAs, Real Estate
Offices, Industry, Crafts, Car Dealerships, Hospitality, Fleets, Clubs
Hotels, Guesthouses, Inns, Airbnb, Vacation Homes, Holiday Apartments, Public Facilities
We manage your charging stations using our software as a service provider.
The smart solution for flexible access management and fully automated billing at your EV charging stations.
Manage All Charging Stations Centrally
Made in
30 days free. No payment method required. Trial period ends automatically.

Enable individual access for different users – easily and securely managed through our dashboard.
Save time and effort with our automated billing, which records all charging sessions in a legally compliant and transparent manner.
Optimize energy distribution with intelligent load management and prevent grid overloads for smooth operation.
Fits 80% of all use cases
Other Backend provider
4% Charging Hubs on Highways
4% Charging Hubs in Urban Areas
12% On-Street Charging
41% Charge at home
27% Charge at work
12% Charge while parking
Ladeinfrastruktur nach 2025/2030: Szenarien für den Markthochlauf - Studie im Auftrag des BMVI
41% charge at
Charge your vehicles conveniently at home – whether in a single-family home or a multi-family building. Manage charging access for residents and guests centrally and efficiently through an intuitive dashboard.
27% Charge At
Charge your entire fleet – from company cars to logistics vehicles – effortlessly. Grant charging access to employees, visitors, and guests, and manage everything centrally through an intuitive dashboard.
12% Charge On
Offer your customers convenient charging during their stay – from hotels to restaurants. Manage all charging points effortlessly and centrally to provide the perfect service experience.
in Your Hands
Efficient charging point management with our cloud software in your hands. Our backend is user-friendly and intuitive, perfect for self-management.
Instant Access - No Payment Method Required
Sofort Zugang - kein Zahlungsmittel erforderlich
Full Control, No Effort: Ladecloud manages your charging stations.

"Ladecloud.io makes it incredibly easy and efficient for us to use and manage our charging stations. The platform, the handling, and the service are absolutely convincing."

"Ladecloud.io has revolutionized the charging experience for our guests! The user-friendly backend website and top-notch customer service have won me over. Absolutely recommendable!"
Thomas Puchtler from Puchtler's Hotel und Gasthof Deutscher Adler in Bischofsgrün
managed Easy
Instant Access - No Payment Method Required